Thursday, September 25, 2008


WOw!! Haven't updated in a while...lets see what is new? Life is kind of slow right now...

I don't know if I've written this already, but I only have classes on Mondays and Wednesdays this semester, which is GREAT but currently I'm a little bored. I've emailed a couple of people looking for volunteer opportunities so I hope to hear good news soon :)

Last night was the festival of Merce, which is a HUGE festival in Barcelona and it actually lasts anywhere from 7-10 days, but yesterday everyone was off of work to celebrate! So of course me and my friends have been taking advantage of the celebrations :). I'll post pictures this weekend. Merce is the patron saint of Barcelona...if you want to read more info on the festival go here.

More news....not exciting...but I just joined the public library and I'm currently using their WIFI! See, I told you it wasn't exciting but I'm getting to know my community more. All the little shops and side streets are so fascinating to me, I love just walking around and exploring :)

I hope this post finds everyone well. Sorry for the BORING post but hopefully life will get juicy pretty soon. Maybe I'll meet a gorgeous spanish-speaking man who falls desperately in love with me at first glance. ....maybe

PS Shout out to REENIE who's birthday was the 21st, to SCOTT who's birthday was yesterday and to my DAD who's birthday is on SATURDAY!!!

I love you guys!

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Jess, we all feel very sorry for you. Poor thing, stuck in Barcelona with classes only two days a week!

Thanks for the shout-out! I was so upset that I missed your call on Sunday!