well hello!!!!
my lovely family and friends, i know what you’re thinking...i’m the worst “blogger” ever!! I have two (in my opinion) very good reasons for being so...1) i have been extremely busy and 2) i don’t have internet in my NEW apartment!
yes, that’s my number one update: i moved!! I really liked the people I was living with before but they were a little older and our lifestyles kind of clashed. You can ask me for details later on...but I decided to just move because it would have been a long year living there.
So far, so good! I really enjoy the people I live with although I haven’t seen much of them (we all have opposite schedules). They are cousins, a guy (28—Fernando) and a girl (26—Silvana) from Argentina. They’re accents are really different from anything I’ve ever heard but I’m catching on little by little. Silvana is dating a guy, Juan, who is super funny and awesome to be around. Other frequent visitors are Claudio, Fernando’s brother, and Gabriel, Silvana’s brother. Gabriel is super cute but I think he might have a girlfriend. (lame) Claudio and Gabriel, sadly, are moving back to Argentina because they truly can not find work here. The unemployment rate is going up and up and up and it’s constantly harder to find work. It’s really scary. Fernando is also unemployed but he’s not giving up quite yet.
So I love the people I live with, but I feel like I’m living in an ice-box. I am, at all times, wearing the following at home: thick sweatpants, a hoodie (with the hood on), at least one pair of socks, and slippers. I just bought new sweatpants actually and I love them!!!
Not this past weekend, but the weekend before I was in London and I got to stay with Lindy!! She came to Barcelona a few weeks before so it was so great to see her again. Plus, she let me stay with her!! Her and her friends took me out and about in London and I really had a great time. It was fun to be in a foreign country that spoke the same language because it was fun to understand everyone perfectly. Their accents are so cute/funny. I had a little mishap when I got to London. For some reason I forgot the pin number to my phone and I couldn’t get it to unlock. In other words, I had no way of contacting Lindy when I got into London!!! Thankfully, she had given me her address and I found the building okay. She lives in a dorm-like building so anyone can walk in but you have to go through locked gates and stuff. Well I had no way of getting a hold of her and the SUPER MEAN SECURITY guy wouldn’t call her for me!!! It was “too late” even though I had told him 1,000,000,000 times (not an exaggeration) that Lindy was expecting me and stuff. So I lost the first battle but then I turned on the “desperate-sad-exhausted (the 3rd part was true) face until the other security guard went up to her room and asked her if she was “expecting a visitor” which of course she WAS. ugh! but the moral of the story is that my desperate-sad-exhausted face always works!
It’s so funny how dependent we are on phones. It was a huge bummer not having a phone in London because I met Prince Harry! He told me I was the most gorgeous girl he’s ever laid his eyes on and that I desperately needed to give him my number. WELL I don’t know my number and it’s in the phone’s memory (true story) so I wasn’t able to give it to P.H. I really would have made a great princess.
Anywho, my favorite parts of London were Big Ben, the sauce at this one place we ate at called “the rocket”, and the museums (which were free)!!! We went to the British museum and the Tate Modern museum (it's an art museum). I loved Camden market, which Lindy took me to on Saturday. It’s the biggest market I’ve ever seen with all kinds of fun things to buy...!!! Also, ladies, guys in London are gorgeous.
Here's me in front of Big Ben:
Here's me and Lindy at the Camden market:
Last Thursday was Thanksgiving (duh) and I really didn’t miss any of you at all. HA just kidding, I did. But it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be because my program made us a great big thanksgiving dinner. We had to carve our own turkeys!!! There was one turkey per 6 people and they were delectable (cool word). Also, my mom and sister made me a great big batch of choc-chip cookies and molasses cookies!!!! It was just like t-giving at home!! I brought them to share (not my idea) but I’m glad I did because my friends and professors LOVED them. Two huge platters were gone before dinner even started...just like at home! I personally hate the rule “dessert after dinner”. I love having dessert before, during, and after!!!! my own little tradition continued....! One of my friends was so happy I brought the cookies, the very first thing she said to me (with a cookie still in her mouth BTW) was “you just made my f***ing day! oh and happy thanksgiving!!” it was so funny. home made anything makes everyone happy...
Then last friday I had people over (which was something I wasn’t allowed to do in my last apartment) for fajitas!! I cooked fajitas for 10 people!! It was so fun. We even had coronas to go with the mexican theme....everyone said the fajitas were good too!! I’m becoming quite the little cook...
Since living in this new apartment I’m also kind of a clean-freak. I dust and mop at least once a day!! And my room is organized!!! I know none of you who have ever seen my previous rooms believe that...but I swear!!! stop rolling your eyes
Barcelona never fails to intrigue me...I recently learned about "caga tió" which is a cataluna tradition. It looks like this:
I think tió is "trunk" in catalan. caga is poop. Starting this upcoming Monday, December 8 (feast of the immaculate conception), each family is supposed to give caga tio a little bit of food every night. Come christmas eve or christmas morning, caga tio "poops" out small gifts like candy or something. isn't that the weirdest thing ever??? I feel like Tim would have fit in well with Cataluna's christmas traditions...
School is fine...I got one of my midterms back and I got an A+! woooooo! haha, i hope it will be the same for the other two...duh duh duhhhhh. working at Raval is still so much fun, I hope my schedule will allow me to work there more days a week next semester.
well...that’s what’s new with me! I’m happy in Barcelona. It’s still really hard to be away from everyone but I’m changing (in a good way...i think) and becoming way more independent. It’s a great feeling :)
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