Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This has no cultural significance at all to Spain but last night I had a dream that I was at the cousin party and we were all eating twizzlers. For some reason the aunts were there. Anyways, we had two ENORMOUS bags of twizzlers (there was like 1,000 twizzlers in each bag) and I took 5 twizzlers and Melanie got really mad at me because I took "so many". She wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the night :(

why do i dream things like this??? Anyways I miss you all!!!!!! (and i guess twizzlers too)


Manda said...

ok... that is seriously a weird dream!!!!!! you are so crazy!! i checked out all your pics and new blogs... bout time you got something new on here!!! oh and btw i agree with reenie... poor jess in barcelona bored!!!! haha!!! i love you!!!!

MD said...

Well we were at Cin & Rick's last night eating Twizzlers, watching the Cubs get swept! Maybe it was a premonition - what Mel is actually so ticked about is the Cubs losing - once again!