Tuesday, May 19, 2009

in an updating mood lately...

just kidding, i´m just putting off studying for finals.

I will tell you guys about Ireland....
it was very green!
I got to see my very best friend, Elle, and her lovely boyfriend...Ethan!!!! We were in Dublin for a few days and Galway for a few days...both were VERY FUN. Here are my favorite parts about Dublin:

1)The bar we went to on teh very last night where they allow anyone to come and play Irish folk music...there were probably about 12 musicians playing together without any sheet music...and they were great!!!!!
2)One day when we were walking to get some food we saw a group of 12-14 year olds playing a game but one of the boys was sitting to the side and all of a sudden I hear ¨HEY BABE!¨and he was looking right at me. So I laugh and I say ¨HI!¨ Then he proceeds to say (in his little Irish accent, mind you) ´I love you!´and this time I laugh even harder, and say Ï love you too! and then he turns to the others and goes ¨LADS!! SHE LOVES ME!!!¨ it was hilarious...! he´s gonig to grow up to be a heartbreaker

The best part about Galway was when we took a day tour to the cliffs of Moher and see the countryside...which is...VERY GREEN!!! so fun!!!!

OH!!! I almost forgot...when we were in a bar in Galway a girl was talking to my friend Elle and she was trying to guess wehre I´m from and she said SPAIN!!! HOLLAAAA!!!!! now if only the SPANIARDS thought I was from here... :)

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